Happy Birthday Jim and Hunter
Today is Jim and Hunter Kelly's birthday. Hunter turns 8 today. Shortly after birth, he was diagnosed with the disease Krabbe. Read more about it here.

A picture of Hunter. Hang in there champ.
The wonderful world of boring Ferguson brothers continues with the latest addition of this piece of garbage.
Today is Jim and Hunter Kelly's birthday. Hunter turns 8 today. Shortly after birth, he was diagnosed with the disease Krabbe. Read more about it here.
Anway, Brent and I figured we should probably familiarize ourselves with Dungeons and Dragons before attempting to produce a film about the subject. So after some heavy research (the yellow pages), Brent finds a game of D&D taking place in Hermitage, TN in a place called "The Game Keep".
There is an up-and-coming blogger on the horizon that could overtake the top spot as the best blog in town. That blogger in which i speak is none other than my brother, and the star of "Brotherly Love", Robert Ferguson. His blog is pretty bare right now but keep him on your radars folks cause this one is gonna be a hoot. Check it out here.
It's a pun, give me a break. Anyway...in case you missed it, my brother Steve recently proposed an idea of an anti-microwave: a device that instantly (or very quickly) makes something cold, the same way that a microwave makes something hot. Well, he should have known than to try and stump a certified chemist, Joseph Ferguson. Enjoy the hilarious results for yourself here.
My brother Steve recently made a Blog...so then I made a blog to compete with his. But if you think that our blogs look strikingly similar, it's because Steve blatantly stole the "Theme" that I choose for my blog. Steve originally chose this really professional looking theme that worked great for him but it just wasn't my style. Well, now that Steve has stolen my theme and thus removed the uniqueness of my blog, I am writing this post to complain. A bit petty you may say...but then again...what are blogs for if not to complain about petty grievances?