Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Gospel According to Mark

Yes. I said it. For those of you who don't know, which is most of you, two summers ago, I traveled to Mountaintop, Pennsylvania to make a movie. The movie was based on a short story by Jorge Luis Borges by the same name. It was a subpar screenplay. It had its faults. I was merely a first year film student, not knowing what the hell I'm doing. Unlike now, where I've mastered the art... Anyway, I drove to Mountaintop in hopes of creating a masterpiece. My collaborator was none other than my good friend, Kurt Warner. He introduced me to Borges' work and was very enthusiastic about the chance to create something like this. Partway into production of this movie, Kurt needed to leave the project. I hold no grudge against him for this. I knew that he wasn't feeling himself.

However, needless to say, I encountered many problems on this endeavor. It was my first attempt at a movie and I struggled throughout. Despite all these problems, my cast/crew and I finsihed all the scenes and had a good time doing it. Recently, I got the desire to edit this movie together into something I can show.

But while I was digitizing my footage, I realized that the outtakes were by far more entertaining than the editing piece of crap i would be working on. So I plan on releasing to my viewers one scene at a time, each take, uncut. Moviemaking is tough stuff. Especially for those who don't know what they're doing.

Our first scene was actually one of the last scenes in the film. I blocked out the scene in about 20 minutes right after we got there. It was a lot of fun. Enjoy.

Coming soon... the unused pre-Kurt Warner departure scene.


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Why did Greg need to have his shirt off for this scene?


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