Today I came home and found some buzzards flying around my house. It was the weirdest thing. I don't think I've ever seen a buzzard up close in the wild, so this was a new experience. I decided it would be a good idea to snap some pics. Some of you may be wondering how I knew it was a buzzard. Well, because shortly after I began snapping shots, my neighbor "Tommy" (that's Tommy #1 for those of you in the know) came out and began shouting to my other neighbor to get them dawgs inside cuz the buzzards are can fly down and pick em up! I thought this was strange but Tommy probably has more experience with buzzards than I do. In the end, no mammal was hurt, human, dawg, or buzzard. Here are the pictures.

I also took some video with my cell phone so its not the greatest, but if you listen can hear Tommy shouting for us to take cover.